

Software information


Freeware (Free)


22 Feb 2013



Software Screenshots

Size: 4.03 MB

Downloads: 4465

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 22 Feb 2013

ZeGrapher has several things going on in its favor: it is very easy to use (as the developer explained, the application was designed so that a high school student could easily get started with it), it makes it very easy to plot mathematical functions, save the graph as an image or print it out, and last but not least, it is a free and open source application.

You can use ZeGrapher on a machine powered by Mac, Linux, and Windows. To get it up and running on a Windows-powered PC, you will have to go through the following steps: download an archive, extract its contents, run the ZeGrapher executable. You will not have to go through any installation process; you just need to run ZeGrapher.exe.

The graph you’re working on takes up the main part of the application’s interface. In the upper left hand corner, right where you would expect it to be, there’s a traditional File Menu. And beneath it there’s a bar with buttons for enabling the grid, accessing the functions window, saving the graph as a picture, and more. The interface is very easy to figure out, so easy that even a complete novice will quickly get the hang of it.

ZeGrapher’s main function is to plot mathematical functions and sequences on the plane. Enter the required data into the application and it will plot things out for you. Once you have the graph, you can save it as a graphics file or you can print it out – the choice is yours. You will not have to part with any of your money to enjoy the functionality offered by ZeGrapher. As mentioned above, this is a free and open source application.

Easily plot mathematical functions with the free and open source application ZeGrapher.


ZeGrapher is available for multiple platforms. This is a free and open source application. Use it to plot mathematical functions, save the graph as an image, or print out the graph. Visualize up to six functions simultaneously. Navigate and customize the graph.


None that I could think of.



ZeGrapher Awards

ZeGrapher Editor’s Review Rating

ZeGrapher has been reviewed by George Norman on 22 Feb 2013. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated ZeGrapher 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5